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Company was established in UAE to cater/assist the needs of Contractors/Consultants for Infrastructure Works, Development Projects and Real Estate Sectors, by providing quality sign boards and directives.
\\n \\nWe use latest technology of Sign Making and being a Avery Dennison Converter, uses a broad range of products for raw material used in manufacturing of road and safety sign boards for oil and gas fields and facilities Services.
\\n \\nWith in this short period of launching, METRO TRAFFIC SIGNS L.L.C. has gained over the recognition as manufacturers of signs strictly conforming to international standards. Electronic Signs, Safety Signs, Temporary Signs, Commercial Signs, Variable Message Signs, Traffic Control System and Solar Flashing Systems all represent a major variety within the company's product range.
\\n \\nThe METRO TRAFFIC SIGNS L.L.C. is situated in the industrial area of Mussafah ,abudhabi. and is fully equipped with the latest technology of Sign Making and being Avery Dennison converter, uses a broad range of products for raw material used in manufacturing of road and safety sign, thus becoming one of the major contributors for curtailing road accidents and other traffic chaos.
\\nApart from that METRO TRAFFIC SIGNS L.L.C. has got a good team of IT Designers, who are capable of producing excellent most modern Design works on INTERNAL SIGNAGES.
\\nThe steel fabrication wing of METRO TRAFFIC SIGNS L.L.C. is capable of undertaking all types of structural steel fabrication, in all grades of metals.
\\nMETRO TRAFFIC SIGNS L.L.C. , has got all its in-house facilities, in terms of manpower, machinery, tooling and expertise.Amongst the list of major clients, there are Oil Companies, Governmental and Semi- Governmental organizations, Construction Contractors, Infrastructure Contractors, etc...
\\n \\nThe METRO TRAFFIC SIGNS L.L.C. , believes its mission provided the best production and services to its CLIENTS to guarantee that Client satisfaction is fully achieved.
\\nThe development and continuous improvement of our industrial traits and manufacturing techniques, qualified ME T RO TRAFFIC SIGNS L.L.C. division to venture into the realms of exquisite proprietary sign boards.
\\nThis has in turn expanded our Client base well beyond the traditional end users in Ministries, Municipalities, Oil Companies, Stadiums, Universities and Educational Institutions all over the Gulf area.
\\nWe are trying our best to create highest quality products and exceeding customer expectations has positioned us as one of the largest and most respected sign companies in the UAE.
\\nOur skilled professionals, using the latest design technology and fabrication techniques, produce quality signage to meet our
\\nThe METRO TRAFFIC SIGNS L.L.C. , always give utmost importance for the Quality Control & Quality Assurance of its Products and Services.
\\nOur continuous efforts are to meet quality standard and thereby satisfying our customer base and diversification of activities.
\\nIn our commitment to improve the quality, the Top Management ensures awareness at all levels of operation and shall evaluate the performance at various stages to accomplish the objectives.
\\nMETRO TRAFFIC SIGNS L.L.C. has built a loyal patronage by providing our Clients with Quality, Reliable and Worthy Products.
\\nThe Quality Assurance & Quality Control Policy shall be reviewed every six months for continuing suitability and to determine the progress. It is applicable to the manufacturing and production levels.
\\nThe METRO TRAFFIC SIGNS L.L.C. caters to the U.A.E. market and is also intending to expand its operations in other countries such as Oman & Qatar. METRO TRAFFIC SIGNS L.L.C. Products are, but not limited to, the following:
\\nMETRO TRAFFIC SIGNS L.L.C. provides\\n the best production and services to its Clients to\\n guarantee that client satisfaction is fully achieved.\\n Our skilled professionals, using the ultra modern\\n design technology and fabrication techniques,\\n produce quality SIGNAGES to meet our Client’s\\n requirements.
\\n \\nThe Quality Assurance &\\n Quality Control procedures are being reviewed\\n constantly for continuing suitability and to\\n determine the progress and are applicable to the\\n manufacturing of Advertising, Commercial and\\n Traffic Sings & Associated Supports.
\\n \\nSnaps from our works
\\nSAMSUNG – Saif Bin Darwish JV, Al GEEMI Partners,HILALCO, Bin Hafeez Gen. Cont. Est., AL FAHJAN Transportation & General Contracting Establishment, Al Nuaimi Group,NUROL, ALDAR Properties PJSC, Commodore Cement Industries LLC,TAMAS Projects, Western Bainoona Group, HANTOOT Transport Gen. Cont. Est., Abu Dhabi Maintenance & Construction Co. Ltd (ADMAC), ETA Group,Al Fara'a Construction,MATRIX Construction Life Line Hospital, NEXANS – QATAR, TARGET Engineering, GASCO, Abu Dhabi Company of Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO), ADMA-OPCO, WEATHERFORD Bin Hamoodah, FERTIL, TAKREER, Gulf Piping Company, Bin Saud Technical Trading Est. (BINTEC), GRANITE Construction, SYSTEM Construct, Steel Construction Engineering Co. LLC, Al Masaood Oil Industry Supplies & Services Co.
METRO Traffic Signs L.L.C